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What Inbetweeners movie was better for you?

Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Inbetweeners US version review

Oh dear...Where do I start? The main problem with the US version of The Inbetweeners, is that there are so many bad things I don't know where to start.
Well, why don't I just say that you'll never regret not watching it?. First, the actors: What were they thinking?! 

Will is played by a robotic average-to-good looking bloke. He's not geeky, he doesn't seem smart in a pretentious way (not even in any way) and above all, he's not funny at all. Let's face it, Simon Bird does a wonderful job with his voice over lines.

Then comes Simon: No personality whatsoever. He's just an entity that speaks every now and then, and lacks of the awkwardness, neuroticism and romanticism of the original character. Joe Thomas and his facial expressions were pure gold, but this new Simon is just forgettable.

Now, when it comes to Jay, we're talking about the lowest point of all. 
Everyone knows how Jay is, and the way he throws his great, rude and unique banters, right? Well, nothing of that is displayed by this Jay. These are cringeworthy jokes, but in the way you feel bad for the actor, and perhaps it makes you want to punch him in the face too. (I wont even mention the weight issue)

 And finally,Neil. As you know, Neil is obviously dim, but this new Neil is just plain dumb in a Jake Harper way ; as I explained before, it makes you want to hit him so hard sometimes.
Briefly, he doesn't make you laugh and grow some affection, (that goes for all of them) but to hate them.

It's just a copy of the same jokes and scenarios that work perfectly with British humour, but fails miserably to draw you a smile with this version.
File:Well that was fucking dreadful.gifSo, to sum up, in Will's words ''That was fucking dreadful". Watch it if you don't believe me (I couldn't stand it anymore after 2 episodes)


  1. Great reviews man!
    i tottaly agree with you,

  2. Saw it a few weeks ago, and I was so pissed, they shouldn't call it inbetweeners. Great review, man
